The Big C

Cancer has developed a taboo about it like religion or your kinky sex games. I think it's because there is so much of it going around these days that people are afraid they'll offend someone. 

Anyway, it's a topic I do read a bit of and enjoy watching documentaries. Unfortunately the medical system in Ireland and the UK is a bit one tracked when it comes to cancer. People are lead to believe that your only options are Chemo and Radiation and that's it.

Now I'm not here to say whether these are good or bad options. That's for an honest Oncologist to tell you. I just want to share some other doctors thoughts, opinions and education with you.

I've included links to documentaries and websites with loads of great info for people who are affected, know someone affected or if your worried about developing cancer there are preventative measures to take. 

The first two are the Burzynski Films and definitely a must watch. These really are eye opening documentaries on alternative and very successful measures when treating the patient as an individual.

The next are the three Gerson movies. Also very good for the importance of nutrition when suffering with any illness. This can be used as a treatment, along with your conventional treatments or towards preventative measures for developing certain types of cancer.

The last documentary is about the corruption in the FDA. Me personally I would well believe it when so much money is involved in cancer that they are people controlling parts of the system for their own greed and personal gain.

To finish I've also attached a few websites that provide some great info.


The Burzynski Movie - Cancer is Serious Business
The Burzynski Movie - Cancer is Serious Business Part 2
The Gerson Miracle
The Beautiful Truth
Cancer - Dying to have known
War on Health - Exposing the FDA

Useful Websites full of valuable information

The thing I love about all these isn't just because they go against the grain or because some are criticised as pseudo-science or quackery but its the fact that we have individuals thinking outside the box. Moving forward by going backwards doing things that people did when there was less cancer about. Watch and read them with an open mind you may just come across something that could save your life someday.

Until next week,

Educate yourself and Share,

Love and Happiness,

John T.

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